About me Clinical Advisor
I gained entry to Otago Medical School in 1982 and graduated with an MB,ChB qualification. I worked in Christchurch as a junior hospital doctor and later as a more senior one, plus did some time in General Practice. Following that I worked in Medical Research as an independent contractor plus at NZ Red Cross as a tutor in Advanced Medical Resuscitation.
Nowadays I’m an independent contractor, mostly working for the First Aid Training Company & First Class First Aid
As an Independent Contractor I am trained in Medicine, Advanced Resuscitation, Counselling/Social Services and First Aid so can offer tailored educational courses, lectures and seminars to suit a wide variety of organisations and industries I am also able to assess First Aid training requirements for businesses, as well as their First Aid Kit requirements (including re-stocking) I can also advise on suitable Defibrillators for any business or individual and assist in obtaining the correct device, plus supply training Please get in touch to discuss how I can assist you or your organisation